My Cart{{item.promotion_name}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.total_price_with_addon)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.net_price * item.qty)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{item.name}} ({{item.variant_name}})Qty: {{ item.qty }}Sub-total:{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(cart['subtotal']) }}You have no items in your cart !
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• Suitable for Muscle soreness and ache, waist soreness and backache, joint stiffness, neck fatigue, sprain and strain, shoulder pain and stiffness.
• It provides fast relief and persistent effect on the pain area of the body. The patch is easy for application and removal.
• It is manufactured by a GMP certified manufacturer in Taiwan. It is a high quality product that complies with the world class standard promulgated by the World Health Organization (WHO)
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• 適用於紓緩肌肉酸痛、腰酸背痛、關節陣痛、頸梗膊痛、扭傷拉傷、 肩膀僵硬等
• 易撕易貼,使用方便,只需貼於不適患處,便能迅速舒缓痛楚,功效持久
• 台灣GMP藥廠生產製造,產品質量及功效符合世界衛生組織嚴格標準
產品使用方法: 取出膏布,撕去膏布上的透明薄膜,然後將其貼於患處。每日一至兩次。
產地: 台灣